Western blotting is a laboratory technique used to detect and quantify specific proteins in a sample. Various products are involved in the Western blot workflow, including reagents, equipment, and consumables. Here’s an overview of Western blot products:
1. Sample Preparation Products
Lysis Buffers: For cell and tissue lysis (e.g., RIPA buffer, NP-40 lysis buffer).
Protease and Phosphatase Inhibitors: Protect proteins from degradation during extraction.
Protein Quantification Assays: Determine protein concentration (e.g., BCA assay, Bradford assay).
2. Gel Electrophoresis Products
Precast Gels: Ready-to-use SDS-PAGE gels with various pore sizes (e.g., 10%, 12%).
Gel Casting Supplies: For preparing custom gels (e.g., acrylamide, bis-acrylamide).
Running Buffers: For electrophoresis (e.g., Tris-Glycine-SDS buffer).
Protein Ladders: Molecular weight markers to determine protein size.
3. Transfer Products
Transfer Membranes: For protein immobilization (e.g., nitrocellulose, PVDF membranes).
Transfer Buffers: Facilitate protein transfer (e.g., Tris-Glycine buffer).
Transfer Systems: Equipment for blotting:
Wet Transfer Systems: Use a buffer tank and constant current.
Semi-Dry Transfer Systems: Use minimal buffer and faster protocols.